Your safety and enjoyment is our priority and weather plays a very important role in that. We use several forecasts to predict likely sea conditions and to therefore decide if we can proceed with a trip. If we decide that a trip cannot go ahead, we will communicate this with you ASAP offering you several options including rebooking or refunds.

Weather conditions we look for



Directly influences waves/swell. Wind direction as well as wind strength are equally important. South-westerly winds often bring calm seas and warmer weather. North easterly winds tend to bring colder and rougher weather.


We get two high and two low tides a day. With the rise and fall of the tides, water flows in different directions. This all has an impact on likely sea conditions. The tidal level also impacts other factors, such as the amount of exposed sandbanks or clearance under the bridges at the harbour. (Image Joshua Freemantle)


Influenced by wind speed, direction, duration and fetch. Calm (0-1) and smooth (2) seas make for fast and crisp cruising. Slight (3) and moderate (4) seas make for exciting wet trips whilst rough (5+) seas often become too uncomfortable for our passengers.


Rain is often unpleasant but has very little impact on the running of our trips! Any risk of storms however can significantly impact the safety of the trip, and we have to take any storm warnings very seriously due to lightning strike risks.

Specific Forecasts

Windfinder – we use this to check a few days ahead and keep an eye on wave height, wind direction and wind speed. Additionally, the direction of the waves is important to us. We ideally want wave heights of less than 1.5 metres, this being impacted by different wind directions and speeds.

CEFAS WaveNet – we use the data from the Lowestoft WaveRider Buoy to see a better prediction of wave heights over the next few days. We ideally want wave heights of less than 1.5 metres.

Met Office Inshore Waters – We check and log this forecast on the day of a trip, in addition, we’re looking for a sea state of smooth or moderate and a windspeed of ideally F4 or below.


Tides are also important to us in determining likely sea states, the direction and strength as they can all have a big impact. It is also important so we know if we have enough clearance to transit under the Bascule Bridge. If running seal watching trips, we also want to know so we can time to arrive at low water so that sand bank is fully exposed.

Tideschart – Tidal times for Lowestoft from Tideschart including tide tables

BBC Tide Times – easy to use website with information supplied from the UK Hydrographic Office.

National Tidal and Sea Level Facility – this is a great site to see how actual tides compare to predicted tides (wind direction, wind speed, air pressure etc all have a big impact)